Grosse Ile High School - Very Limited Parking
This is onsite parking for the half marathon and will fill up VERY fast. If you plan to park here please arrive early in case it is full and you need to park somewhere else
This is the best option for half marathon participants who do not want to ride the shuttle
Shuttles to the 5K Start & 5K Packet Pick Up by the GI airport are at the high school on Grays Dr.
Shuttles start at 6:00am
* Both the half marathon & 5K Finish at the high school
Grosse Ile Middle School- Limited Parking
There is a path behind the middle school that goes to the high school
It is a quick 5 minute walk
Township Shuttle Lots by Grosse Ile Airport
Use the address 9801 Intrepid & enter off of Merdian Rd.
Shuttles begin at 6:00am
Buses will drive half marathon runners to the HIGH school for Packet Pick Up & the Start
Bus loading is on Intrepid Ave
The Start line for the 5K is across the street (Groh Rd) inside of the Naval Air Hangar. 5K Packet Pick Up on race morning is at the Pilot House
Buses will drive runners back to the lots from the HIGH school after the race
If you are doing the 5K, there is no need to take a shuttle to the high school before the race!
Macomb Street (Walking distance to High School)
Select business on Macomb Street are allowing us to use their parking lots for race day parking
Please only park in the lots that have a Rock CF Race Parking sign in front of it
These lots are on Macomb between Parke Lane & E. River