Silas John - August Rockstar of the Month


Name & Age

Silas John, 6 from Vincennes, Indiana

Favorite food?

Corn on the cob with extra butter and salt!

Favorite thing to do during treatments?

Playing “Think Rolls” (problem solving puzzle game) on Galaxy tablet and watch shows, especially The Polar Express!

Any hobbies?

Playing with trains, riding bikes, swimming, and reading!

How does Silas Rock CF?

He rocks CF by always doing his treatments and taking his medicine, even when it's really gross tasting, doing a poke (blood draws) even though it's not fun, and always staying active. All while being goofy & smiling!

Tell us about the recent triathlon experience!

He rang his bike bell at the kids at the triathlon to let them know to move when he was going to pass them because he is so fast on his bike. He is excited to try it again next year and has already begun training. He completed the entire race without stopping or slowing down!

A little more about Silas!

Silas is a third-year, very grateful recipient of the Kicks Back Program. He has been on 12 different types of trains, he enjoys traveling (just returned from a trip to Folly Beach, SC and Cherokee, NC), he loves exploring and learning about geography, and love capturing life with his camera.  He is an avid musician and has been playing the drums and singing since before age 1, you might catch him in the back room playing loudly to The Black Keys. He loves his little sister, Josie, who is 3, and they play outside every chance they get. His mother, Katie, is the best caretaker, homeschool teacher, cook, and friend that he could ever ask for, and his papa, Nick, is his workout buddy and fellow band-mate. The John family puts Christ first in all they do and is already seeing so many miracles in Silas’ life. The best is yet to come!
